Notas Legales

Legal policies

Publisher : the company MID SAS Registered capital : 40 000 Euros Registered office : 9 Chemin du Jubin – 69570 Dardilly Email adress : Telephone number: 33 (0)4 78 17 48 04 Company registration number : Lyon Trade and Companies Registry, number 421 938 945 Publishing manager : M. Ludovic Cazenave Host : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Personal data

Pursuant to the provisions of French law no. 78-17 dated January 6th 1978 on Data Processing thereof,  Data Files and Individual Liberties, all visitors to the website have the right to obtain access to, obtain the correction of, or object to the transfer of information provided to MID. They may exercise such right directly by snding an electronic message to the following adress: MID undertakes to take all the necessary precautions, in the light of the nature of the data  and the risks which may arise due to the processing thereof, to protect the security of such data and, more specifically, to prevent such data from being corrupted or damaged and prevent unauthorised third parties from accessing such data.

Intellectual Property

Th intellectual and/or industrial property rights pertaining to all musical components, texts, comments,pictures, photos, drawings, and vidéos which are reproduced on the website are reserved for their holders. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of any of these components, without the prior written and express authorisation of the holders of the said intellectual and/or industrial property rights is strictly prohibited.


The company MID may not be held liable for any damage, loss or corruption of data, any loss or profit, earning or any other damage, wether direct or indirect, consequential or non-consequential, of any nature whatsover incurred by the visitors due to any malfunction of the website, irrespective of the cause  of such malfunction. The data on this website is given for information purpose only. Such information is not in any event whatsover intended to replace any consultation with and/or the opinion of your medical practitionner. The MID company shall commit the resources which it deems to reasonably appropriate to update the information provided on the site. The MID company disclaims all liability with regard to the exhaustiveness of the information and information updates, as well asany usage which may be made thereof. The links given on the website do not refer to sites published by MID. MID makes no checks whatsover as to the content of, the products offered or the advertisements on such sites or any components or services provided on said sites and may not be held liable for the latter. These independent sites are subject to their own general terms of use.


Visitors are informed and agree thaht when they visit the www.mid website a cookie may be installed on their data processing equipment. Such cookies enable the identification of visitors and the recording of any transactions carried out on the website.The set up parameters of the user’s internet browser enable visitors to be informed and refuse the installation of such cookies.